I havnt blogged in a while and while there is a very good reason for this, I still feel some what slightly guilty. I am suppose to be spreading inspiration and positiveness to peoples life on a regular basis, but unfortunatly a recent encounter has led to the complete plummet of my emotions, and inspiration and positivty actaully cease to exsist. But I must write something. The world does not evolve around me and my self pity. It keeps turning and I must turn with it.
So I write a letter. I hope some people can relate and use it to thier advantage. The positive conlclusion to this blog will also be a part of this letter, instead of a seperate paragraph, so I hope it still has the same effect.
oh and this is the song I wrote it to. I suggest listening to it and reading too.
Dear Spr Sensible
Life is full of mystery and passion. It is not there to tease you, and then take it away. Its only purpose is to be fully endulged and discovered, embraced and rejoiced, by everyone and anyone that is willing to recognise its worth.
Is it the mystery that you are so afriad of? If so, not only is it scaring you away, but also, it is providing the perfect cover to blind you to what virtue and opportunity there is. The possibilites of a steady flow of happiness could be placed to you right at the bottom of your feet, but your incapability in discovering the boundries of situations and then exploring what is beyond them could, inevitably, lead to mournful sorrow and torturous regret, which maybe even Time itself, could not completely heal from your heart.
There is absolutly nothing wrong with better to be safe then sorry. And I understand perfectly well the protective mechanisms you have placed in order to make your life secure. To always be 100% fully prepared for every thing that may happen and to take complete control of the happenings that you are certain of so that they roll into the direction you want them to go. However, dear, nothing can be set in stone like that. Absolutly nothing ever goes, exactly according to plan. You may have already started to notice that at some points in your life already. But arent the most memorable moments in your life the ones that consisted in taking a jump, a leap into the unknown?
Protective mechanisms are essential, of course. But with every mechanism, there is a fault. It can decrease the variety of emotions that you may never experience if you cusion yourself so much.
And the hiding. The burrying. The hollow Pretence. To watch how you do this to yourself from this angle is almost unbearable. Of course it works, for you, for now. But after a long period of time, it may damage something inside. Such a shame that would be, as there is so much goodness that exsists in there. Cynism maybe a large part of you life, but underneath that, i have seen, the pureness of your heart. And its beautiful. Its rare. It should be highly treasured and appreciated by someone. Someone you regard as special.
I truely hope you realise the potential in what I am essentially attempting to open your eyes to. Not for my benefit, but more importantly for you and your future. There is so much that awaits you. If you sprint past the mysterious and you hide away from the passionate it may leave an emptiness within your heart, ultimately leading in the failure of what you must do in your life to the best of your ability.
Above all, try to remember this. Its not the things that you do, that makes you the person you are. Its the choices that you make, that determines these traits.
Please, stop and think. Re evaluate your choices. Be the person you want to be, and not what you think you should be.
I wish you the best of luck, with everything.
And I will never forget what should always be remembered.
About Me

- SolarStar
- A blog with a twist. Attempting to shape in words the tangled web of thoughts in my head, but always ending each post in the form of a positive conclusion, intended to reach out and help people looking for inspiration and advice. So yea....here goes....