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A blog with a twist. Attempting to shape in words the tangled web of thoughts in my head, but always ending each post in the form of a positive conclusion, intended to reach out and help people looking for inspiration and advice. So yea....here goes....

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

I heart...........voids? wert :/

3 words...... (its not I Love You, although thats another story) ....

Nope, its Tao Te Ching. My new bible. It just puts everything into perspective.

Its from the religon Taoism. Its a pretty cool religon. Its diet is healthy and it encourages sex as it provides positive energy to the person your canoodleing with. Thumbs up all round right :D

Chapter 11 from this new founded bible and another blog about this subject really got me thinking about Voids.

Hmmm, Empty space is such a strange thing.

Before I tell you what Chapter 11 reveals, il get stuck in with examples.

1) a rather good explanatory movie

Theres a film I watched recently, and it was quite simply, fucking amazing. Peaceful Warrior has the most amount of uplifting quotes that can be written for a movie, and it really moved me. The mysterious man (Given the name Socrates) who works at a petrol station serves this customer (Dan) at 3am nearly every single night. Socrates asks Dan 1 night, are you happy? Dan explains about the perfection that is his life (girls, fitness, friends). Then Socrates asks, so why can you not sleep at night? He answers his own question. Its because your afraid, afraid of the emptiness in your life....He doesnt deny it. And its this that gets him started on his spiritual journey, of not to fight the evident void in his life, or even try to fill, but to embrace it.

Filling the void with external experiences is what, in my opinion, is one of the main destructions that exsist in this crazy world. Alcohol and nicotine are perfect examples that also contain chemicals to aid the obsessiveness.

2) Personal reference

Best personal example.......explanation of literally, the worst phase of my life - were alot of mistakes were made. I felt I had a hole in my life, so i tried to fill it with a relationship, with love. Things werent working out, I ended it. But I felt like the hole had somehow increased in size and felt the obsessive need to fill it again, but was also telling myself i dont want a relationship. This craaazy confusion resulted in many drunken nights within a short period of time doing things that I was extremely ashamed of . Only recently have I managed to forgive myself for letting myself be used in such a way. And of course, its just another temorary filling.

There is only one thing that can permanently fill that hole, and that is complete acceptance of its existence. Even happiness cannot fill it for long, for all the negitive influnces in the world will do their darnest to destroy your it.

3) Bit of maths

Now comes the calculation

Fill empty space with acceptance = peace. But Peace = empty space

Confused? Dont Worry, Brian Cox will explain......:D

4) Bit of science

Apparently 99.9% of the whole entire vastness of the universe.....is.........space. nothing. voidness to its max. In between all the atoms that make us up there is more space then mass. This amount of empty space is not just huge, but gravitational too. Its grounding, and curves the shape of the planets orbits and the overall outline of universe itself.

5) Bit of R.E

So here comes my trust old bible and that special chapter i talked about before this school subject sesh started


Thirty spokes will converge
In the hub of a wheel;
But the use of the cart
Will depend on the part
Of the hub that is void.

With a wall all around A clay bowl is molded;
But the use of the bowl
Will depend on the part
Of the bowl that is void.

Cut out windows and doors
In the house as you build;
But the use of the house
Will depend on the space
In the walls that is void.

So advantage is had
From whatever is there;
But usefulness rises
From whatever is not.

Well i may have been writing to many dissertations recently and may have gone overboard with referenceing, but i guess i could say ive proved my point quite thoroughly.
So, dont be afraid, its only space :P

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Zen is THE shiz

Do you think, you think too much? Or do you have to think about that, before saying, I think so?

Annoyed with that sentence somewhat?? yea well - I have a small suggestion

Why is it, that we feel we need to do all this thinking for? Somewhere, along the lines of history, i reckon something got seriously mixed up. Not only did we loose the knowledge of how important it is to trust and judge from the inside, with the source that we all share and are connected by, but we are utilising our brains all wrong, when its purpose is to be a tool only.

A few concequences of this:

1. If your trying to achieve something, and think too much, the achievement doesnt work out they way you expected

2. When you find yourself in a difficult situation, and go away to think about things, but dont come to a conclusion and just feel extremely tired instead.

3. If you think about going and doing something, and not do it, the only reason you didnt do it is because your thoughts stopped you.

Thinking prevents you from amazing oppertunites, distracts you from what youare capable of and drains the vital energy away needed for your body to funtion properly.

aaand example time

First Il refer back to one of my Favourite films of all time - The Last Samauri. Dont really know what tom cruise is like as a person but hes pretty darn awesome in this film.

In the Japanese mountains, hes learning the way of the samauri. But no matter for how long he tries it, he just cant master it like the others. Until a dude goes up to him and literally says the words "no mind". From that moment, what he was trying to achieve, suddenly became very possible, because he used power from within, instead of the noisy distraction of his thoughts.

Second a strange apiphany that happened to me when I was trying to make an important decision about my future. This summer is looking extremely cloudy - and i guess I just wanted to see a bit of sunshine, a abit of clarity. But I was trying to force a UV beam through the fog, something fake to give me light, to give me direction. Too much thinking and just wanted peice of mind. Nearly made the wrong decision and spent my last monies on going to america fo the summer with a compnay that just wanted to strip me bare of wonga. Literally last minute, I made it through the darkness  and managed to get back in touch with wat truely mattered and felt right. Close call tho

And last but not least - the present moment....a strong instinct that planted itself for years, dormant inside of me, trying to pull me closer to someone, someone special....but I resist, with utter pretence and suffering. I allowed so many automatic objections to block out what truly presented itself infront of me. Each one creating a wall within the mind...and the more walls I built the further away I stood to what felt right to me...eventually this turned into my thoughts becoming lies, and all lieing to yourself does is prolong amazing experiences which are already destined on your path. But if something so powerful as instincts exsist, wouldnt it win the battle one day? Well yea of course. and so the day came when the truth came out in an explosion of realisation. Everything became so.... clear. Like breathing in mountain air. I knew what I had to do next. This opportunity was not to be missed this time -  I had to embrace fully in its potential and beauty.

My next mission was not to let the mind take over again almost immediately. Because from the outisde, I may have looked slightly insane. The second to worst thing after your own poisonous thoughts, are other peoples. Not many people understood my actions. quotes such as "Never saw that one coming" and "Thats really random" and "shes always in a relationship" have been constantly surrounding my life recently. And for a second i let my mind take over, and absorb it all and it made my life a living hell. No Mind - No offence able to be taken in the first place. Complete acceptance of what is. 
And this is the key to peace.

Accept, Embrace then Enjoy. The moment is here and now, and the minds image its created of your past, your future your 'life story' are literaly that - just an image, just a story. A distortion of reality. Know this and clutch at that freedom with deep passion and an open heart. If your outside the box, you Can never go wrong ;)