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A blog with a twist. Attempting to shape in words the tangled web of thoughts in my head, but always ending each post in the form of a positive conclusion, intended to reach out and help people looking for inspiration and advice. So yea....here goes....

Saturday, 8 December 2012

l'universo trova spazio dentro me......

So wow its been too long since i let go of all my emotions on here. Life just gets more and more crazy and its quite wierd to know that im too busy to just take an hour of my life out to blurt everything out.

But ive decided that it is really time now. before I overspill which is probably not very healthy

So I guess I SHOULD be talking about how I grew to hate the materialistic parts of my previous job and started to realise how messed up the music industry is now, and that I know Im not quite ready for it yet.

Or I SHOULD bet talking about how I went about changing my whole career path in just 9 months, gained two different qualifications, lived in two other places to eventually acheive living abroad (which was my ultimate goal.

Or I SHOULD be talking about how amazing it is that I achieved this goal, in 9 months and am now living in the passionate affectionate country that is Italy  i'm in a job where I constantly help people learn all day in an effective and individual way.

Or I SHOULD be talking about how amazing it feels to be expressing my feelings with words in another toungue and how amazing it feels to be utilizing my brain everyday and learn something new on a constant basis, broadening my understanding of language and culture every single day.

Or I REALLY SHOULD be talking about the extremely hard decision that I made before I came to Italy, to part ways with the man I love, which was an extremely sacrificial decision and which he cannot accept or even try to understand still which is making my life a heck lot difficult then it should be right now.

But no. I don't want to talk about any of these things. All these things, crazily enough I think I can just about handle. I trust in life too much to worry about it al. Ive followed my heart every single step of the way and so there is no need to dwell on it.

No ladies and gentleman, believe it or not, the only thing I want to talk to you today about is -  new found Love. Are you surprised  I didn't think so. Its the one thing in life that is nearly impossible to understand handle and deal with without alot of thinking and patience and maturity. 

In the past I have fallen in love, and in order to deal with my emotions I have told the story on here. Maybe its good aswell because it is a way of preserving the story, just in case there are details I have forgotten. But the past was different. Living with someone, or working with someone, or being best friends with someone for 2 years and eventually realising I love them have been a few of the situations.

But now crazy things are happening, so fast... and it is proving my theory of love even more, that it is always there within  people, it exists inside the connections between people that is realized at the first time we ever meet that person.

My life seems to be one love story after another. Does this make me a confused person who doesn't know what love is? I don't think so. I think it confirms the fact that I have figured out what it's all about. And there is one particular phrase, inside my favorite poem, that can explain it just a little.

' Do not be cynical about love, because in face of despair and ardirity, it is as perennial as grass'

But the reality is, there are no words to describe it. The heart speaks words the mind will never write.

Of course love comes again and again, because it is pure energy, never created, destroyed, just going round and round and round, showing itself in different forms, in different people but in fact in the end its all from the same source.

I want to take this opportunity to thank the universe. 

- Thank you for making me feel the immensity of new found love many times in my life, again and again and showing me the power it has.
-Thank you for making me have the intuition to realise where it exsists again and again and being so prone to it and also providing me proof that i am right to follow my feelings.
- And thank you for giving me the strength every single time to deal with everything that comes after it, all the good and the bad things that happen, all the rejection and the relief.

Thank you, and I am always eternally grateful for everything you have placed in my life, no matter what happens and no matter if i do let in bad emotions into my life sometimes and let them take over. I know its wrong and I realise this quite quickly and change it as soon as possible.

I will return your goodness, with more love and compassion for the world, forever giving, and forever loving. And I will teach others to do the same. 

Thats another story told. A dopo, untill the next one, good night x
