Try taking a pebble, dropping it into calm water and seeing what happens. The beautiful patterns that emerge hold a huge significance for everyone. A small pebble creates the first circle, which in turn creates the next and the next, until they spread throughout the pond.
The significance is this.
This pond represents your life. The pebble represents any one thought you have ever thought or any action that you have ever implemented. And every circle that is created, one after the other, after dropping this pebble, represents different occurrences that happen in your life.
Some you can easily see how each of these occurrences connect with the initial thought or action that you thought or did. Other times these occurrences are shocking, and you have no idea where they come from. Sometimes, you realise only after some time how all the ripples connect with each other, how one made the other and the other. How that happened because that happened because that happened. But they all originated from one thought, one action, one pebble.
Everything happened for a reason.
Now the scale of this initial thought/action/pebble is unimportant. it could be the smallest thing you could do, or the tiniest thought you might have. A smile to someone on the street. Your first thought in the morning being 'today is going to be a good day'. All these things will create a ripple after a ripple after a ripple. And once the rippling occurs nothing and no one can stop the process. Destiny is written. the circles will form. and we will have no control.
If the pebble/thought/action is positive, then in turn, only positive ripples can be formed, only positive occurrences can happen in your pond of life. If they are negative, then the continuation of negative occurrences won't stop... until you throw a positive pebble into the water. Until you have a positive thought, or a positive action which will interrupt the negative ones, and change the course of occurrences.
I've done many things for many people. Without expecting anything back, and only with love. Sometimes I feel very very drained after having given too much of myself. And just at that moment of need, when I need energy the most, news comes to my ears. From a life that I changed by spending time with them, advising them or even just saying a few kind words. Just because you can't see the effects immediately, does not mean they are not rippling. They will show themselves to you, at the right time.
There are people that I have met that have completely changed my life. And there are also people that have told me I've changed theirs.
With every positive thought/action/ stone, we are changing each other. With every single positive thought or action, slowly, we are changing the entire world.