Tre cose non possono essere nascoste a lungo:
il sole, la luna e la verità.
One lie, two lies, three lies, four...... eventually there will be a war.
And so the ultimate question is, why do we lie? When I try to simplify the concept in my mind, it all boils down to two main solid reasons.
The first - The hunger for power and control.
We see a situation. We see that it's not going the way that one would have hoped it to go. And we feel with one simple action of telling a lie, we can change the direction that the situation is heading towards. Because, somewhere, along the line of history, we, as human beings, decided that instead of being led by life's river flow, leading us down the beautiful stream of destiny, we wanted to have power and control over our journey instead. To build dams in order to create the illusion that actually we can have whatever we want. These dams are effectively the lies that people tell in their life to try to control a situation to suit their needs.
The second - To protect yourself, and others from harm. Because the Truth can hurt.
This is something that has developed because of the evil that has spread across the world (which probably also derived from lies to begin with). As long as lies make the world go around, even the most truthful people must still find a way to survive and protect themselves from them. And so we tell lies to stay safe.
And both of these reasons are linked to one main cause of nearly everything bad that exists in this world - Fear. We are scared. And so we lie but what we don't know is Fear is the sole source of evil itself. It's from Fear that every negative emotion grows and manifests.
At the time it seems so simple to tell one small simple lie. Who would it harm? But things start becoming more difficult, when in order to keep the first lie you have to tell a second and a third and so on. But a thing that is so false cannot exist on the world for too long, something as pure as mother nature is not able to handle it. And so even after telling so many lies, no matter what happens or what you do to try and prevent it, the truth is always revealed, usually in a very explosive manner. But for this to happen regularly is not healthy for anyone's life on this Earth.
All of this can be eradicated. We can stop the lies from ruling the world, causing so much unnecessary destruction. And this is how.
The first thing to accomplish is to stop lying to yourself. If its easier, write down on paper any truths that you have been hiding from yourself. Once they have been written on paper, you cannot go back to telling yourself lies, because the truth is in front of you, black and white. The next step is telling the truth to others, and to keep telling the truth which will be much easier after being truthful to yourself, and you will suddenly feel a sense of freedom like no other. The benefits that you will receive from it will be more rewarding than you have ever dreamed. By being a truthful person you can live a life full of clarity without confusion, happiness that's long lasting and receive respect from others who will also give you a life time of trust and security And most importantly, you will open a door of a constant flow of love to your life.
Get rid of the fear, and get rid of the lies, within yourself, and within your life. Even if you make a promise to some one with a truthful intention, without carrying out this intention still makes it a lie and is still damaging to your life and others. Try as hard as you can to to be a 'man' or 'woman of your word' and the negativity in your life will slip away, opening a window to so many positive opportunities and experiences.
And now, genuinely, I promise you this with all my heart - the truth will set you free.