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A blog with a twist. Attempting to shape in words the tangled web of thoughts in my head, but always ending each post in the form of a positive conclusion, intended to reach out and help people looking for inspiration and advice. So yea....here goes....

Saturday 9 March 2013


I was inspired today by someone special to write about what I think about sharing. I was asked to do it in Italian to practice the language. I will do, but for now, I wrote this from the depths of my heart. I hope it can be enjoyed. 

'Hey, that's mine, Nooo, that's your's. You can't touch that it doesn't belong to you.

Possession. It is such a strange concept. Where did it come from? When I try to really think about the source of possession  I become lost inside my own thoughts. And that's when I suddenly realise, if I'm becoming lost in my thoughts, that can only mean one thing - possession is yet another state of mind which us, as human beings, have yet again created and are now completely engulfed by in our society, and in our every day lives.

So who is possessive? Animals, babies, plants, any other living thing on this planet don't have this concept. It must be something that we, as human beings, are brought up in, in this crazy nonsense world. 

If it's not a natural emotion or state of being, then it is very unhealthy for us to practice because it is the mind that's controlling you and not your feelings. 

And so, I close my eyes and try to feel what the most natural thing to do is with my belongings, without involving my noisy thoughts. And then suddenly I feel this strong need to give. Not only to give, but to share.

Sharing. We have forgotten how important a simply act of sharing can be. We have forgotten how strong of an effect such a simple act of sharing can have on our lives, in other lives, and eventually the profound effect it can have on the entire world. 

In the end, all living beings on this earth are one. We have all come from the same source of energy. This source of energy we call Love. God. It has many names.

When we start to possess, this is what I think happens.

Love is pushed away. Our source is forgotten. When the love is pushed away and the source is forgotten, we become separated from it. From everything in the world. we being to feel alone, alienated.  Loneliness starts to form inside of you, like an illness, and starts to grow stronger and stronger, until it completely absorbs your soul. You start to feel alone in a room full of crowded people. Or even when you are surrounded by people that love you. Eventually some people cannot live with it and end their poor lives just to stop such a horrid feeling.

That's when I start thinking about my travels as a child. India is such a magic place. Most people there have nothing. But the little that they do have, they share. Whole families share one room. The little food they eat is shared equally between them. They share their clothes, and most importantly of all, they share their time. They have so little, but when you see them, they are always smiling. Their happiness is contagious. The effect that is has on you is just incredible. 

The West have so much to learn. We have too much, and we keep it all to ourselves. Is the situation hopeless? No. Actually, recently, because of new technology, I believe we are learning, slowly but surely, how to share again. How to share things that make people happy. Music, videos, or even just inspirational quotes that has the power to change someones feelings from sad to happy in a moment. 

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the power of the internet. We are on the correct path again, through digital means. Facebook, Youtube, even blogger.com. So much can be shared, from just copying and pasting a link. So much difference can be made, because such a wide audience can be reached. 

So next time you are browsing Facebook, Youtube or any other social networking sites, and you see/hear something that makes you smile, click that magic word in blue. The magic word that is 'Share'. And make YOUR difference in the world. You never know how much of an effect that one magic click has had on someone else's life.

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