Are we making the right decisions?
Are we being our true selves? Without masks? Without the pressures of life brainwashing our thoughts, blinding us from the amazing things that already exist in our life but that we don't appreciate?
Are we following our hearts? Are we doing the right thing? But how do we define what is right and what is wrong? Can we write it in law books and be told by a higher power to abide them? Can it be written in a religious book by a prophet that tells us to worship him and follow his rules?
So many questions with no real solid answers. There is only one thing that we can be certain about. That no matter who makes rules for who, every single human being on this planet is complicatedly and specifically unique in every sense. From the moment we are born, just from the position of the planets at that particular time can have an effect on who we become. As we grow from then on, we start to perceive things in different aspects interpreting the world in our own way. The way you are brought into the world by your parents, what they allow you to see and what they don't allow you to see. And then we reach an age where we all your experiences start defining who you are and who you will become. All of these factors create uncountable possibilities of personalities.
So how can one set of rules, written by one person, prophet, leader or politician, show every person the right way to live or think?
Sometimes we loose ourselves. When we ask the question 'Who am I?' We don't get a response from ourselves. At this point we become scared and so devote ourselves to live by a set of rules written by someone else. And then one day Karma comes into play. Everything that you do starts to feel wrong, as it goes against your being, your true self. You start loosing the things in life that mean the most to you, and there's so much goodness that passes you by without you even noticing.
I've grown up in a multi-ethnically family with mixed religions and ideas. And there's one thing I have learnt that works for me - Learn about every religion, every order, every way of living. And take everything that feels good to you plus what you have learnt in your personal experiences and make your own rule book.
And so below I have shared with you what I call my declaration of principles. 8 set of rules that I have chosen to live by based on what I've learnt, experienced and what is in tune with my soul. They are the light in dark phases in my life, and guide me to safety, to my precious earth, when my head is in the clouds. After you have read them, I hope you can find the inspiration to write your own, to be the light creator in your life. Create your own rule book, your own religion, your own morals, and you will eventually be without restriction, without confusion, and without fear.
You will be free.
Maz's Declaration of Principles
1. Love. every second of every day, with everything you have, by sharing, giving, caring and forgiving for everyone you encounter, in every-way possible. and don't forget to love and be yourself because without that, you will be incapable of loving others.
2. In every day, find at least one moment in time to stop thinking, look around you, and admire the beautiful world in which we live in everyday.
3. Dream big. And when you achieve those dreams, dream some more. But be true, to yourself and others. The universe can't help you achieve your dreams if you are even lying to yourself and don't know what you want.
4. Believe in miracles. Even if they are difficult to recognize because they are often not what we expect. But all the same, they are still miracles and the mystery is what makes them beautiful.
5. Dance. Even your heartbeat is a song, a song that provides the perfect rythem for your body, to move your body and fill the soul with joy. Dancing is the ultimate connection between heart, body and soul.
6. Make it your mission to bring a smile to someones face every-time you meet them. But only help those that want to be helped, and accept the rest.
7. Be crazy. Embrace and implement change as much as possible, by doing something new, going somewhere new, or even changing perspective about something. Be like the wind, and you will be strong force of nature.
8. Enjoy the ride as much as the destination, but don't forget to follow the signs life give you, open your eyes to them with as much positive thinking as possible, otherwise the destination will never be reached.