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A blog with a twist. Attempting to shape in words the tangled web of thoughts in my head, but always ending each post in the form of a positive conclusion, intended to reach out and help people looking for inspiration and advice. So yea....here goes....

Sunday 16 June 2013

The Circle of Savior.

There are some people that implement so much good in this world, it is almost as if, without them, this Earth would be a living hell. As if they are the super heroes, saving us all from destroying everything we have.

But what we don’t realise is, that although these people seem like superheroes, actually they are only human, just like me, you and everyone else. If they are only human, then even they sometimes need encouragement, a little hint, that what they are doing for us is actually working. It’s having the effect that they’ve been working so hard to achieve, even if sometimes they can’t see it immediately.

Praise someone special today, motivate them, give them the courage and the hope, and you will be saving them. And in turn they can continue with a fresh new motivation to keep saving us.

Here is my praise to a superhero I know.

I know a man in this world
Who is a true man of his word
A promise that is said by him
Is a promise that is kept. Always

I know a man in this world
Who has saved many lives
Through only the kindness of his heart
And his impeccable perception of wrong and right.

I know a man in this world 
Who's inspiration has reached all 4 corners of the earth.
His teachings of positive thinking
Has truly made this planet a better place to live

I know a man in this world
Who's infinite joy is so contagious
It's able to make anyone cry with laughter
At any time, in any place and in any situation

I know a man in this world
Who has sacrificed everything that he has
For his morals, his beliefs
And for the people that he loves with all of his heart.

And to know this Man(for he is a true man)
Is of course a beautiful blessing
But to have him as my Father
Is the greatest gift the universe could have ever bestowed into my life.


I will express my eternal gratitude
I will make you so proud
And from the way you have worked so hard to shape my soul, making me the person I am today,
I will go forth into this world, continuing all of your teachings to others
Forever on
And forever more.

Happy Fathers Day Daddy

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