I had one of these moments very recently while on a rowing boat sailing through the lake of the Burmese countryside. By doing such a small action as taking off your sunglasses your whole perspective can shift.
My perspective shifted big time in more ways than just one during my time in Myanmar.
It was definitely an unforgettable adventure. But at the same time it was difficult to focus and really be in the moment as the deadline for a very important exam that I have is forever drawing nearer and nearer, hence why I brought my studies with me to do some revision during quiet times on the hectic journey. Never really a good mix but with only 3 weeks to go I felt I had no other option.
While on this exciting getaway, I came accross many different challenges. Although the people were friendly, they were frequently trying to rob you of every dime that you have. While it was great to finally feel the sun on my skin, cycling around desserts and mountains in 40 degrees heat pushed my body in way I thought I could never handle before. And while I am very content with my newly founded Love, our first holiday together spending every moment with each other brought about unique experiences and feelings to the surface that we never knew we had.
I could look at all of the above in two different ways. One would be to think - I should have chosen a much calmer, easier destination where I could actually relax from all the hard work and come back feeling refreshed - what a waste of time that country was!
Or I could view the experience much like the exam that is coming up very soon - just like a TEsT.
A test to see how aware I am of the scams and money grabbers of the world, but still be able to keep my faith in humanity.
A test to see how far my mind can push my body, breaking limits and becoming forever stronger for it.
A test to see how strong and deep True Love can grow.
The biggest realisation is that actually Life is filled crammed full with tests, and our job is keep taking them. Whether you pass or fail is somewhat irrelevant - you are bound to come out of it stronger either way, just for trying.
And so with this in mind I relish the challenge of my 3 hour written exam approaching so very soon. I will try my very best and be thankful for all the tests that Life lays before me, helping me evolve into the best possible self that I could ever become as a human being in my time on this Earth.
Time to take off the sunnies and get studying then.
Break a leg everyone ;)
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