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- SolarStar
- A blog with a twist. Attempting to shape in words the tangled web of thoughts in my head, but always ending each post in the form of a positive conclusion, intended to reach out and help people looking for inspiration and advice. So yea....here goes....
Monday, 22 August 2016
26 truths
Just turned 26 years old. Just a number, but it feels like a low one. Can't help but reflect on what I have achieved, what I've learnt and whether I feel it is enough at this age.
One thing is for sure though, the experiences I have had have made me realize some truths. These truths are things that I live by because I've seen the positive effects that they have in my life. A lot of them are hard to put into words, but I'm going to try and list them here, 26 of them, each one representing every year of my blessed life on this earth. I hope they are as much of a powerful tool to you as they are for me.
1. Embrace the emptiness. - we all have a tendency to get scared of feeling empty and try to fill a hole inside of us to feel complete again. The truth is we NEED this emptiness. It is such a useful part of us. As soon as you can make peace with the emptiness inside of you, the quicker good things will be able to enter your life, because you have SPACE for it.
2. Dream - All dreams, big or small, are our way of attracting what we want in our lives. Imagination is the most powerful thing human beings own. Let your mind wonder, envisioning the future and do this often, you will be surprised at the results thinking 'dreams really do come true'.
3. Take Action - Dreams are vital but mean nothing without your follow up action. Nothing comes on a silver platter - If you want something go and get it, work hard, do what needs to be done and you WILL get noticed. Even just baby steps are a lot of progress.
4. Love, alot, and show it - Love your partner, your family, friends, colleagues, even your enemies. Show your love to them, remind them that you care. The more you love, the more love comes to you This cycle of divine energy is needed fuel long lasting happiness in your life
5. Give more than you take - Giving is magic, it will always bring light to darkness, a smile to someones face, a change in someones life. Give in to giving, and watch the world around you light up.
6. Stay in the here and now - As much as making a future is important, nothing is more important than focusing on the present moment. Being aware, watching and appreciating what is going on around you brings a peace to your heart like no other, and is the clensing we need to have a happy fulfilled journey.
7. Meditate - even if it just a few minutes everyday. Clearing your mind can bring focus and clear thinking when having to make important decisions. The best decisions are made in a state of calm and tranquility.
8. Exercise - an obvious one to stay fit I know but exercise is more than that. Your body is built to be used. When it isn't being used enough things start to go wrong. It is also another form of mediation and helps clear away bad thoughts. Exercise in something you love for the best results.
9. Do what you love - Life is short and we are all very unique. Do something that you love doing and express your uniqueness to the world - thats what we were put here to do in the first place! It also helps to avoid mental illness issues in the long run.
10. Be grateful - The power of gratitude is unlike anything I have ever seen. Literally, miracles WILL happen in front of your eyes. That horrible feeling you get when you only know what you've got until you've lost it can be avoided if you sit down for a few minutes everyday and say thankyou for everything that makes your life possible.
11. Dance - we all have a rhythm. Even our hearts beat a rhythm. Moving your body to these rhythm will release super healing hormones in your body, and is always a great way to get out of feeling blue.
12. Express and create - Although some more than others, everyone has a creative side. Express and embrace this, for other people to enjoy as there is no greater joy in watching the positive effects of your own creativity.
13. Eat well and enjoy it - food gives us the energy we need to make our lives possible. Being selective about what you can be the decision between life and death. There are so many things that don't belong in our system that are inside a lot of the food that we buy. Being cautious may add a few more years to your life.
14. Travel - human beings were never meant to stay in one place. They are naturally built for migration. Experiencing new places and cultures contributes to your inner growth massively, becoming the best person you could possibly strive for.
15. Take pride in your work - We work approximately 70% of our waking lives. This is a huge chunk if time and so no matter what you may do as a living, try your best at it and give it all you got. You'll find more happiness in what you do and increase your over all happiness level as a result. So whatever happens, get up, show up and kick ass.
16. Embrace the changes - Every single thing that we know changes in one form or another. Even if we try to prevent change sometime, it doesn't matter what you do, change will always happen, with or without your help. Embracing the changes will make the transaction smoother and more beneficial rather than becoming something frustrating.
17. Learn - read books, articles, ask questions. Knowledge is brain food, we need it in order to function well for a long period of time.
18. Teach - Give your knowledge, teach your skills, pass on useful information to others. If you live life learning and teaching in an endless cycle, the possibilities are endless.
19. Believe - Different people have different beliefs. But the power of believing has led to some great historical moments. However, beware of how you chose to perceive what you believe. Stay on the path of love, light and equality as other negative perceptions can lead you to terrible consequences Believing in yourself is always the best place to start.
20. Know your worth - Really work on valuing yourself and avoid devaluing yourself. You are as special as anyone else, and 100% completely unique. For that, don't let yourself or anyone else treat you any less.
21. Treat all as equals - whether they are your manager, employee, earn more/less than you, different colour skin or religion, in the end we are all one. We came from the same stuff and we are all connected. If you treat someone badly, you are treating yourself badly too. Whether you agree with them or not, show your respect to all that cross your path. You never know when you will need a bit of that respect back.
22. Everything passes - Accept the bad stuff, because sooner or later it will pass. Embrace the good stuff, because sooner or later this will also pass. We need this balance for our a happy healthy life.
23. Follow the signs - Life only wants good for you. It tries to lead you there all the time. The signs are everywhere, so be ready and on the look out, and when you see one, follow it at all costs. Don't miss these opportunities, they may never come back to you again.
24. Clean - no need to be obsessed with it but first of all, the action of cleaning is very therapeutic for humans and good for the soul. also, if you keep your surroundings tidy you will be more productive and generally more content.
25. Have purpose - Try to find a good positive reason for everything that you do. Without this, we tend to feel quite lost and frustrated with our lives. Let your purpose be like a root of a flower, essentialy for doing something great and blooming into someone beautiful.
26. Rest - You are not a machine. Give yourself time and be patient. Recharge your batteries once in a while to be 100% capable of doing the best and showing the world how you can make it a better place to live.
On that note, goodnight and sleep tight guys.
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